Do you have any Dental Negligence Compensation Claim?

To be knowledgeable about dental negligence compensation claims, let’s pore over what is dental practice and what is its importance in our lives. In today’s world having attractive physical appearances has become more imperative than ever. Teeth are one of the important beauty elements that everyone wants to maintain in best form. So, apart from various oral and dental ailments, dental practice is also becoming important for its cosmetic aspects. Majority of dental negligence compensation claims arise from cosmetic treatments in dental medicine such as teeth whitening procedures, crown fixing etc. Like other medical treatments, dental practice can also go wrong and induce undue sufferings on patients.

In order to determine if you have a dental negligence compensation claim, you need to resolve two things: if your dentist, be it a private or NHS, has performed some substandard treatment on you, and that if you have sustained some dental or other problem as a result. The presence of both of these factors determines your eligibility to claim dental negligence compensation. Accidents and errors can occur in any profession as humans tend to be fallible; however in case of medical profession where we have to pay exorbitant amounts for getting professional medical care, we usually do not expect any mistake from practitioners. 

Despite all the measures and strict regulations, healthcare practitioners cannot be supposed to act without any glitch. Standards might slip and we could be left with some incurable damages. Dental negligence compensation can be claimed for a variety of malpractice cases such as misdiagnosis. If dentist fails to recognize his patient’s problem correctly, the condition may get worse. Dental misdiagnosis refers to either not diagnosing anything or identifying a disease mistakenly. In both circumstances, patients’ treatment goes in wrong way – as two wrongs don’t make a right, patients is eventually inflicted with such injuries or sufferings that could not be expected in standard dental practice. The victims can come up with complete medical records to show how his misdiagnosed dental problem has made him suffer, and can win dental negligence compensation.

As we have already discussed about cosmetic treatments in dental field, such procedures are more likely to face patients’ dissatisfaction and result in dental negligence compensation claims. For instance, teeth whitening process does not bring the results that patient wanted to have, or crown fitting does not look aesthetically good etc. As the success of cosmetic procedures lies with patients’ satisfaction, it might get problematic if dentist fails to bring expected results. However, no dental negligence compensation claim can be made in this regard unless a condition where patient and dentist have already agreed on what type of result they want to achieve through the process.


As dental procedures are very expensive, equitable dental negligence compensation is paid if treatment goes off the beam owing to mistakes of dentists. For getting fully reimbursed for your damages, you should hire a solicitor to help you with your dental negligence compensation litigation. Nevertheless, the trickiest thing is to seek a best solicitor for your case.