Medical negligence claims related to dental treatment errors


The article provides a complete insight into dental related medical negligence claims. It clearly points out some major features of dental related clinical error cases.

The dentition of a person is very important if the person is to remain healthy. Every human being needs to eat in order to grow properly and to be able to maintain a good state of the body. More than three quarters of the total food that is consumed is in solid form. For this reason, the importance of having good and strong teeth cannot be overemphasised. Imagine being a victim of a dental related clinical error, you may end up failing to chew food properly. Dental related medical negligence claims are very common because they affect many patients. In most cases, the elderly patients of dental related illnesses are more likely to file medical negligence claims than the young ones. This is because the elderly patients are more prone to dental related illnesses compared to the young ones. On the other hand, this may be because the elderly patients are more likely to suffer from more serious dental related medical conditions compared to the young ones. This is very easy to deduce because the young ones usually have minor dental related illnesses such as rotten teeth and bleeding gums caused by protruding teeth.

Dental related medical negligence claims may be filed on the basis of any dental related clinical error. The error can be surgical or any other kind of illness. A good example of a case which falls into dental related medical negligence claims is a dental surgical procedure that is performed erroneously. This can be a surgical error resulting in the failure to remove the root of a tooth but leaving the patient with multiple scars and bruises. This can have a lot of consequences such as severe pains and the patient may fail to eat certain foods. Dental surgical procedures that are erroneous may be associated with very serious consequences. That is why filing dental related medical negligence claims is almost inevitable.

Some patients have filed dental related medical negligence claims on account of an illness contracted while seeking medical attention. This can happen because of poor hygiene. For example, consider a patient who happens to contract an illness while undergoing a tooth extraction procedure. This can happen if the medical practitioner involved happens to use tooth extraction tools that had been used on another patient. This can result in very serious illnesses. For this reason, most patients cannot hold themselves from submitting medical negligence claims. Some patients have registered medical negligence claims on account of dental equipment failure. For example, consider a patient whose tooth cannot be extracted because the tool being used has malfunctioned. Such clinical errors can result in very serious illnesses.



Under normal circumstances, most dental related medical negligence claims may not result in very serious medical illnesses. However, they may be serious depending on the nature of the error. If the error is not so grave, a claim for compensation is usually not appropriate. medical negligence claims